Photo Credit: Spencer Lewis
As part of the Inside Track Short Track News Notebook today, Spencer Lewis revealed the second member of the Inside Track Motorsport News Young Guns panel. The event scheduled for February 9th at the Canadian Motorsports Expo highlights six of the top young guns currently in the sport.
The second member announced for the panel is 18-year-old Delaware Speedway competitor Trevor Collver. The Lucas, Ontario native finished third in the truck points last year, highlighted by a win on September 27th. Next year, Collver will compete for Rookie of the Year honours in Delaware’s Super Stock division. You can follow Collver on twitter at @TCollver51.
Collver joins OSCAAR Hanover Holiday Modified competitor Shane Stickel on the panel. The four remaining members will be announced in the next couple of weeks by Lewis. Follow Lewis on twitter at @itspencerlewis for the rest of the reveal.
RT @OnPitRoad_: .@TCollver51 announced as part of Younggun Panel at @CME_Racing by @ladybug388 http://t.co/lIm4mIvQ6V @itsspencerlewis
RT @OnPitRoad_: .@TCollver51 announced as part of Younggun Panel at @CME_Racing by @ladybug388 http://t.co/lIm4mIvQ6V @itsspencerlewis
ICYMI @itsspencerlewis announced that @TCollver51 will join @ShaneStickel on the @CME_racing Youngguns Panel http://t.co/4TzMfFebrn