Photo Credit: Thompson Photography
After competing in Capital City Speedway’s Enduro division, Robert Hill is making the jump up to the Four Fun Division in 2014. Though before hitting the track, Hill tackled the 15 questions that talk about racing and life outside of racing.
How’d you get started in racing?
About 7 years ago my grandfather took me to my first race at Capital City Speedway and I absolutely loved it, I stayed a fan for a few years before moving to the pits with the #44 Mini-Stock of Darryl Gow. I did that for about 3 seasons before moving over to help the #72 Four For Fun team of Mike Attwell and through that relationship I met Andrew Thompson and he generously gifted me my #7x Cavalier Enduro car. I made 5 starts in that series and this season we will be putting a cage into the former #7x, will renumber it to #20 and run Four For Fun
First racing memory
As a fan probably sitting up in the stands with my grandfather making picks of who would win each race (I don’t think I was ever right)…As a driver it’d have to be my first race of 2013..going into turn 3 I ran right into the back of another car sending him sideways and I just smiled, waved and drove on by…he won the race, I finished 4th.
If you could be sponsored by any beverage, which would you want to be sponsored by?
Probably Dr. Pepper, I could live off that stuff..plus it’d look cool on the side of my car.
Story behind your car number 20.
This year is the 20th anniversary of my primary sponsor WORX Environmental Products so in honour of that I decided to run #20 on my car…if I do well in it I may keep it forever.
If you have a nickname, what is it and why? If not, what do you think should be a good nickname?
During my off seasons I work with a few hockey teams and some people around the rinks have called me Hillzy so I’ve had that one for a while, other than that there’s always Bob, Robby, Rob..all the stuff you’d expect with the name Robert.
If you could race against any NASCAR driver, who and why?
I’d want to race against Kyle Busch because I find anyone he races against becomes a better driver by pushing themselves more and more just to beat him…plus I love the way he drives, I’ve adapted a similar driving style which is good and bad at the same time.
What’s your life like outside of racing? Hobbies?
I’m a big sim racer, I do a lot of iRacing with the CortRacing.com league. Besides that I work with the Ottawa West Golden Knights Jr B Hockey Team and the Carleton Ravens Hockey teams as a DJ.
If you were an animal, what animal would you be?
I’d be a cheetah because they are fast…what racer doesn’t like speed
Favourite pizza topping
Italian sausage
Dream vacation spot
I’d want to go to North Carolina just to see all the shops and hopefully meet some drivers and team owners.
If you were stuck on an island, what would you have to have?
I’d want to have a knife, so many uses for it.
Favourite book
I don’t read books
Favourite movie
Talladega Nights…Can’t go wrong with some shake and bake!
Favourite piece of technology
My Laptop, I use it for so many things and wouldn’t be able to do a lot of the things I do without it.
Sponsors/people you’d like to thank:
Worx Environmental Products (www.Worx.ca), Crew Chief’s Corner (www.CrewChiefsCorner.com), Kurt Stoodley REMAX (www.KurtStoodley.com), Husby Designs, CORT Racing League (www.CortRacing.com), My team mates Corey Gates and Kyle Fawcett. I also need to thank Andrew Thompson, Darryl Gow, Mike and Keith Attwell, Braydon Oakley, Johnny Eckert and of course my family and friends for their support…If I missed anyone please yell at me.
Previous Tracking the Short Tracks Pieces…
April 2nd: Hanover Holiday Modified Competitor Bobby Tolton
April 7th: Varney Motor Speedway Mini Stock Competitor Scott Schuleter
April 8th: Sunset Speedway Super Stock Competitor Coltin Everingham
April 10th: Sunset Speedway 2013 Rookie of the Year Nick Tooley
April 14th: Peterborough Speedway Mini Stock Competitor Donovan Price
April 16th: Sunset Speedway Mini Stock Competitor Brandon McFerran
April 18th: Lucas Oil Sportsman Cup/Outlaw Modified Competitor Tim Tolton
April 22nd: Sunset Speedway Mini Stock Competitor Samantha Shaw
April 24th: Peterborough Speedway Mini Stock Competitor Rob Gosse
April 28th: Sunset Speedway Mini Stock Competitor Lisa DeLeeuw
April 30th: Sunset Speedway Mini Stock Competitor Brian Love
May 2nd: Sauble Speedway Mini Stock Competitor Morgan Robson
May 5th: Barrie Speedway Thunder Car Competitor Robbie Sikes
If you would like to be featured, send me an e-mail at ashleymccubbin@speedwaymedia.com.
RT @OnPitRoad_: Tracking the Short Tracks: Capital City Four Fun Competitor Robert Hill by @ladybug388 http://t.co/sIzZV2tQ7h @ThompsonPhoto
Here’s an article all about CCC host and driver Robert Hill:
http://t.co/OOItyA8eOi http://t.co/e46F2XS5Qu
RT @OnPitRoad_: Tracking the Short Tracks: Capital City Four Fun Competitor Robert Hill by @ladybug388 http://t.co/sIzZV2tQ7h @ThompsonPhoto
RT @OnPitRoad_: Tracking the Short Tracks: Capital City Four Fun Competitor Robert Hill by @ladybug388 http://t.co/sIzZV2tQ7h @ThompsonPhoto