On March 21st, Full Throttle Motor Speedway is set to kick off the 2014 Ontario Short Track season with the “Sprint Into Spring 200”. The winner of the event will take home a turnkey 360 Winged Sprint Car.
Below is the information sent to OPR by FTMS Public Relations…..
This is turning out to be one of the biggest races in a long time and will see racers from all different classes and all types asphalt and dirt coming together on one track at one time!
You have to mark March 21st on your calendar you have to be a part of history! Where else this season are you going to see someone walk away the winner of a turnkey 360 Winged Sprint Car!!
March 21st, 2015 starting at 1pm (any and all weather except extreme sight impairing conditions)
Vehicle and General Safety rules
1- Open to any make model of vehicle (maximum 3500kg GVW)
2- No convertibles or open top vehicles without adequate driver protection
3- No sharp, extruding or modified from stock external components on vehicle allowed
4- No trailers, plows or dangerous unsecured objects allowed
5- All doors must be securely chained, tied or welded shut
6- All external breakable parts, pieces and lights must be duct taped over before racing
7- Side windows must be removed or rolled down at all times during race
8- All vehicles must have 24’ minimum #s clearly legible on doors and roof and driver’s last name 4” high presented over the front windshield
9- No profanity or offensive language on vehicles
10- All vehicles ownership must be surrendered to Full Throttle Motor Speedway prior to competition
11- All vehicles must have an ownership or bill of sale presented to FTMS before racing
12- Only 1 registered occupant in the vehicle during race events
13- All competitors must wear a DOT legal helmet and seat belt restraints at all times
14- Fire retardant material and extra safety components are strongly suggested
15- All vehicles must have a working fire extinguisher on-board during race
16- No 2- way driver communication allowed
17- 2 scorers will be the responsibility of the registered driver and report to FTMS staff
18- FTMS reserves the right to refuse vehicles it deems unsafe or non- conforming to the above rules
Race rules and regulations
1- All registered drivers, crew and spectators in pit area must sign a legal release of injury form before competition at FTMS
2- No aggressive or dangerous driving to attempt harm to other drivers
3- No fighting or aggressive behavior allowed and will result in a suspension from FTMS
4- No alcohol, drugs or weapons allowed resulting in suspension
5- Race will be either GREEN flag condition or RED flag condition during races
6- RED flags will be displayed for any safety concerns, all vehicles must stop at once or be removed and finished scoring from the event competition.
7- Vehicles will be removed from racing surface at the discretion of FTMS officials
8- All vehicle repairs must be done in the designated pit area
9- All drivers must remain in cars until notified by FTMS officials to be unoccupied
10- BOLT-IN Safety equipment can be remove from vehicle at the completion of all events
(Only the items listed below)
(a) Racing Seat belts or Harnesses
(b) Window net
(c) Racing Seat
(d) Fuel Cell only (no lines)
(e) Fire Extinguisher and Bracket
(f) Battery box container (battery stays with vehicle)
Race layout
Segment 1- 90 laps- draw for start position (before 12pm latest, starting time 1pm)
Segment 2- 90 laps- inversion of first start
Segment 3- 20 laps- the top 20 qualifiers from combination driver finish of both 90 lap races
proceed to the final shootout 20 lap segment (top qualifier to front)
1- Final Segment Winner receives Turn-key 360 Sprint Car trophy
2- Second place – $500
3- Third place – $300
4- Fourth place – $200
5- Fifth place – $100
Additional prizes may become available as the race comes closer. If you are interested in advertising or sponsoring this or any other events please contact doug@ftnation.com orgord@ftnation.com for more information
A $25 car # and driver registration must be completed before the March 21st event.
Registration can be made by email bank deposit, cash, cheque or PayPal and is non returnable.
Gord Bennett 519-721-2605