Race car driver David Levine is a very busy young man when he’s away from the track. He is a senior at Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina, and he takes his studies very seriously. He was recently named to the Dean’s List for the Fall 2014 semester for earning a grade point average of at least 3.4. David also has an on-going personal campaign to raise awareness about heart health among young adults. He schedules personal appearances at hospitals, in full racing uniform, to visit with children and share autographed photos and his personal story of overcoming congenital heart defects on his way to becoming a professional race car driver.
Here is David’s personal story:
“I am really honored to share my personal heart story, not only to raise awareness about congenital heart defects but also to let my racing fans know just how important living a healthy lifestyle is at any age, with any heart. I was born with a ventricular septal defect. While a ventricular septal defect is the most common congenital (present from birth) heart defect, mine was complicated as I also had a rare “straddling tricuspid” defect.
Because of the research and technology funded by the American Heart Association before and after I was born, doctors knew my defects could be fixed after birth. At just four months old, I received open heart surgery and the surgery was a complete success. I can, and do, participate in normal activities without increased risk and am able to pursue a successful career in racing. However, I choose to lead a healthy lifestyle to reduce my risk for cardiovascular disease and visit with a cardiologist every three years for a heart check-up.
The American Heart Association continues to do so much for the communities that support me, I want to support them. There is a good chance that someone in these communities will need them and their science and I want to help the AHA be there when they are needed. Please consider making a donation today and helping me reach my goal of $10,000.”
David is getting ready to kick off his first full season of ARCA Racing Series competition with Lira Motorsports and is also planning his schedule of volunteering for the American Heart Association. To learn more about his schedule, his heart story and tips for how young adults can lead a healthy lifestyle visit www.DavidLevineRacing.com and follow him on Facebook at /DavidLevineRacing and Twitter @DaveLevineRacin.
For more information about Lira Motorsports, visit www.LiraMotorsports.com.