Lira Motorsports is excited to welcome John Lowingski-Loh to its ARCA Racing Series presented by Menards driver lineup for Daytona. Lowinski-Loh will be behind the wheel of the No. 58 Ford Fusion for the up-and-coming race team based out of Port Orange, Florida.
A native of Milford, MA, John began his racing career at Thompson Speedway Motorsports Park in nearby Thompson, Connecticut. He won the Thompson Modified Rookie of the Year Award in 2011, followed by a break-out year in 2012 when he collected 10 race wins en route to the Thompson Modified Track Championship.
Moving up to the ACT (American Canadian Tour) Late Model Division in 2013, Lowinski-Loh won the Rookie of the Year Award, finishing the season third in points with six top-five finishes and one race victory.
In 2014 he competed for track championships at Thompson Speedway and Waterford Speedbowl, capturing numerous top-five finishes. He also made his ARCA Racing debut in 2014 at Kansas Motor Speedway, finishing the race 10th.
John is is still accepting sponsorship for the 2015 ARCA Racing Series schedule. Any interested parties should contact Lira Motorsports at LiraMotorsportsPR@gmail.com or contact John atLowinskiLohRacing@yahoo.com.
Find out more about John Lowinski-Loh online at http://johnlowinski-loh.com/ and on facebook at /lowinskilohracing. You can also follow him on Twitter at @jlowinskiloh. For more information on Lira Motorsports visit http://liramotorsports.com/