Partnership Continues on Race Day With Debut of “Ortho(R) Bug
B Gon(R)” Ford Fusion
MARYSVILLE, Ohio, Feb. 20, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — ScottsMiracle-Gro
hosted two-time NASCAR Champion, Greg Biffle and Jack Roush, founder,
CEO, and co-owner of Roush Fenway Racing at its GRO1000 community
garden event at Westside Elementary School in Daytona Beach, Fla.
today. More than 600 students worked side-by-side with Biffle as they
planted vegetables and herbs in six raised beds in the school’s Early
Act Garden.
“We can’t think of a better way to begin our yearlong partnership with
Greg Biffle and Roush Fenway Racing than by going into the Daytona
community together to help the students of Westside Elementary make
their school a little greener,” said Jim Hagedorn, Chairman and CEO,
The ScottsMiracle-Gro Company. “Our goal through GRO1000 is to educate
more people about the benefits of urban gardening, especially in
Daytona – a place that is very important to the racing community and to
The ScottsMiracle-Gro Company.”
The community event is part of The ScottsMiracle-Gro Company’s GRO1000
mission to create 1,000 community gardens and green spaces by 2018, the
Company’s 150th anniversary. ScottsMiracle-Gro was also joined at the
event by local dignitaries including Lori M. Gillooly, Executive
Director, Halifax Habitat for Humanity, Inc. and Deborah Zeoli,
Executive Director, Stewart-Marchman-Act Foundation.
The pep rally was led by the Volusia County Schools Area Superintendent
Vickie Presley, Chairman of the Volusia County School Board Linda
Costello, Westside Elementary Principal Judy Winch and Scott’s
Hagedorn. The school was also presented with a check from The
ScottsMiracle-Gro Company for $20,000 toward maintaining and growing
the Early Act Garden. Biffle rallied the students and attendees at the
end of the event by talking about the importance of teamwork and the
excitement of the racing season.
“The GRO1000 initiative is a great opportunity to build spirit, connect
with local members of the community and help people of all ages express
themselves on their own piece of the Earth,” said Su Lok, Director,
Corporate and Community Partnerships at The ScottsMiracle-Gro Company.
“When people come together in a garden, or gather at a green space,
something amazing happens – ScottsMiracle-Gro and GR01000 definitely
saw something special come to life here today at Westside Elementary
Ortho(R), a market leader in pest control since 1907, is the primary
sponsor for Biffle’s #16 Ford Fusion at Daytona and will debut a new
car paint scheme showcasing a black and red “Ortho(R) Bug B Gon(R)”
For more information about GRO1000, visit www.GRO1000.com.
About ScottsMiracle-Gro
With more than $2.8 billion in worldwide sales, The ScottsMiracle-Gro
Company is the world’s largest marketer of branded consumer products
for lawn and garden care. The Company’s brands are the most recognized
in the industry. In the U.S., the Company’s Scotts(R), Miracle-Gro(R)
and Ortho(R) brands are market-leading in their categories, as is the
consumer Roundup(R) brand, which is marketed in North America and most
of Europe exclusively by Scotts and owned by Monsanto. In the U.S., we
operate Scotts LawnService(R), the second largest residential lawn care
service business. In Europe, the Company’s brands include Weedol(R),
Pathclear(R), Evergreen(R), Levington(R), Miracle-Gro(R) (R), KB(R),
Fertiligene(R) and Substral(R). For additional information, visit us at