Photo Credit: Noel Lanier/OnPitRoad.com
Following Kurt Busch’s reinstatement to NASCAR competition, Patricia Driscoll released a statement.
“Even though Kurt remains on indefinite probation under this decision, I’m deeply concerned about the message NASCAR is sending by letting him compete for the championship after he was found by a judge to have committed an act of domestic violence. But I am gratified, at least, that NASCAR’s decision comes with the mandatory condition that he follow through on the treatment he so clearly needs. My work with the Armed Forces Foundation on veteran treatment courts has made me a strong believer in the rehabilitation process. But it has also taught me that rehabilitation takes time and can only come after you’ve taken full responsibility for your actions. Though this continues to be a difficult time for me, I remain committed to standing up for my integrity and seeking full justice.”
The entire process began when Patricia Driscoll filed a report to police, stating that Busch has assaulted her.
Following court proceedings, a Kent County Family Court Judge announced that Patricia Driscoll was granted her order for Kurt Busch to stay away from her on Monday February 16th,. The order is good until 2016. Commissioner David Jones released his written conclusion on Friday February 20th, stating that he believed Busch committed an act of domestic violence. Busch is currently in the process of appealing the decision.
As a result, NASCAR announced on Friday, February 20th that they had indefinitely suspended Kurt Busch under Section 12.1.a: Actions detrimental to stock car racing and Section 12.8: Behavioral Penalty of the 2015 NASCAR Rulebook. Busch appealed the suspension to the National Motorsports Appeals Panel and National Motorsports Appeal Officer, with both appeals being denied.
Then on March 5th, the Delaware Attorney General’s office announced that they would not charge Kurt Busch with regards to the accusations made by Patricia Driscoll. The department issued the following statement: “The Delaware Department of Justice has carefully reviewed the complaint made of an alleged act of domestic violence involving Kurt Busch in Dover on September 26, 2014, which was reported to the Dover Police Department on Nov. 5, 2014 and investigated. After a thorough consideration of all of the available information about the case, it is determined that the admissible evidence and available witnesses would likely be insufficient to meet the burden of establishing beyond a reasonable doubt that Mr. Busch committed a crime during the September 26th incident. Likelihood of meeting that high burden of proof is the standard for prosecutors in bringing a case. For this reason, the Department of Justice will not pursue criminal charges in this case.”
The process came full circle when NASCAR announced on Wednesday, March 11th that Kurt Busch had been reinstated and is eligible to return to NASCAR racing under an indefinite probation subject to additional mandatory requirements. These requirements could “include but are not limited to participation in a treatment program and full compliance with any judicial requirements placed upon him”.
RT @OnPitRoad_: NSCS: Patrica Driscoll Releases Statement Following Kurt Busch’s Reinstatement by @ladybug388 http://t.co/KJiWDS6sRK #NASCAR