Labonte to Aid Olympian Cyclist Lauren Tamayo in Her Cause for Kids |
TRINITY, N.C. (April 20, 2015) – The Bobby Labonte Foundation and its founder, NASCAR Champion Bobby Labonte, announced today plans to partner with 2012 Olympic Silver Medalist Lauren Tamayo to help raise awareness and funds for her foundation, Ride On Kids.
Ride On Kids was established to provide children ages eight to 17 with the opportunity to explore healthy living, experience the independence discovered by riding a bike, and gain self-confidence through this free, kids-only cycling program in Western North Carolina. Foundation participation is free of charge, and all participants are provided a bicycle and a helmet to use, plus venue and instruction. It also teaches safe cycling, rules of the road and emphasizes the importance of always wearing a helmet.
Labonte, an avid cyclist and advocate of cycling safety, plans to attend and donate personal race memorabilia to the foundation’s silent auction and dinner on May 20 in Asheville, N.C.
“This is a great opportunity for me to support Lauren Tamayo and Ride On Kids,” said Labonte. “I have a passion for cycling and it is an activity that I use to keep in shape. But, it’s also easy and fun for children and teenagers to participate in as well. Lauren is doing a great job of giving kids the opportunity to ride and educating them about the benefits of living healthy through cycling. They also really teach kids and teenagers about cycling safety, something I obviously support as well.”
To show her appreciation of Labonte’s time and efforts, Lauren Tamayo has committed to be the first entry to the fifth annual Archdale Drug “Tour de Reason” Bike Ride scheduled for later this summer to raise money for cycling safety.
“Cycling safety is always the most important thing we teach the children and teenagers,” said Lauren Tamayo. “I am excited to have Bobby join us at our dinner and silent auction. I really admire what Bobby is doing to promote cycling safety and also his desire to promote cycling to children. I’m looking forward to cycling in his event later this summer to bring more awareness to cycling safety and all its benefits of living healthy.”
For further information on the Bobby Labonte Foundation, visit www.bobbylabontefoundati
And, for more information on the Ride On Kids silent auction and foundation dinner, visitwww.5ringpursuit.com/events.