Photo Credit: Ashley McCubbin
After finishing 14th in points last season, Chandler Bos is hoping to have a much stronger season this year with possibly a top-10 finish in points.
“Should be better than last year- that’s for sure,” he told OnPitRoad.com. “Actually, I think it will be a good year. A lot of people are moving out of the mini stocks to higher up divisions (so) it should be a lower, quieter season with not a lot of wrecks.”
Last year, it seemed if something happened on track in the Signs of Innovation Mighty Minis at Sunset Speedway, Bos was one of the drivers right in the middle involved with some sort of damage, resulting in four DNFs throughout the year. When he was able to stay out of trouble, he was solid, scoring four top-10s over the season.
“Last season was a bit of a wreck fest,” he admits. “Not only from our experiences but seeing other people wreck stuff; it was a poor year. Maybe with just all the new drivers coming in.”
Last season marked a transition year for Sunset Speedway with the formation of the Mighty Mini class, as a Junior division to the Mini Stocks. The Mighty Minis were mostly made up of drivers who were within their first couple years of competition, looking to gain experience.
This year seems to be entering another transition year in a sense, as there are a bunch of drivers – at least six – making the move up to a higher class for the new season. With the shift in competition level and entering his third season of racing, Bos hopes he can “win a couple more races” this year, building on last year’s heat win and b-feature win.
The youngster points out the biggest thing he has learned so far is figuring out how to drive each track he attends.
“You have to drive each track differently,” he stated. “You just have to drive according to them. It’s also about the set-up on the car and having that one slight air pressure adjustment to make sure it’s perfect or the car won’t handle as well as you’d hope.”
Bos hopes to travel once again some more this year, attending both Peterborough Speedway and Full Throttle Motor Speedway.
“Some of them are still up in the air,” he commented. “I definitely want to go back to Peterborough for the Autumn Colours and Chase for the Colors. I did very poorly at those races, mainly because we smashed up that car so much. Finally threw in on the quits, sell this thing and get some better. I definitely want to go back to Full Throttle Motor Speedway again. That was a lot of fun. Very lot of fun there. I want to try and get to some of the other tracks, but they’re up in the air.”