(April 7, 2016)- HOLLAND, NY… As you look around Western New York, our community is growing closer than ever before in terms of local business partnerships and keeping money in our local area.
The Holland International Speedway is proud to continue its tradition of doing the same in announcing a new 3-year contract with Coca-Cola of Buffalo. A household brand since the late 1800’s, Coca-Cola is one of America’s most timeless refreshments and a racetrack favorite.
As the Annual Opening Night of 57th season of racing at Holland draws near, the track and Coca-Cola are putting the finishing touches on re-fitting the track with Coca-Cola branding, including the sale of 20oz bottles of Coke products. From signage all across the venue, to customer interaction and giveaways, Coca-Cola will continue to have a huge presence at Holland. A new addition to the Coke lineup offered at the Speedway will be VitaminWater, one of the most popular mineral drinks in the country.
Coca-Cola will also once again have a Night at the Races, which will be held on August 6th this season. Discount tickets will be widely distributed across the region, and highlighted by special race-night promotions.
The Coca-Cola bottling company of Buffalo was founded in 1975 and proudly represents Western New York. The Holland International Speedway is thrilled to acknowledge that local connection and is excited for the next 3 years of partnership.
We’re social; find us on Facebook (Holland Motorsports Complex), Twitter (@HollandRaceway), and Instagram (@hollandspeedway) as weekly specials and news on upcoming events will be seen on the track’s social media pages for the racetrack and the Holland Paintball and Airsoft Adventure Park. When posting on Social Media, use the #HollandSpeedway! Don’t forget to check out all of the pictures from each week’s racing program by logging on to hollandspeedway.smugmug.com For more information log on to www.hollandspeedway.com or www.hollandpaintballadventurepark.com.