Photo Credit: Morgan-Amber Photography
This past weekend at Peterborough Speedway, Wally Wilson was busy as he competed in both the OSCAAR Pro Midget and OSCAAR Midget division.
“I can not thank everyone that helped make this happen enough,” he commented. “It wasn’t the best start to my first double duty event – missing practice, and almost the first Pro Midget heat; then missing the first Midget heat.
“Luckily we got all the bugs worked out for the features.”
In the OSCAAR Pro Midget feature, Wilson was able to battle through some mechanical issues en route to finishing second in the inaugural event for the series.
“The axle was starting to shift and move the steering so I had no suspension left on the left front,” he commented. “Somehow managed to keep it going until the finish! Congratulations to Ted Greenwood on the victory in the inaugural OSCAAR Pro Midget Series!”
In the OSCAAR Midget feature, he’d start in the 11th position, working his way up to ninth. He’d spend the event battling with four other drivers, swapping positions throughout the entire event en route to finishing ninth.
“Can’t wait to get back out there doing double duty at Grand Bend Speedway this weekend,” he commented. “Thank you to Zac Sprung and Nate Spinks for coming out to help us out. Of course, got to thank my dad, family and friends for their support, as well as our partners.”
Be sure to check out Wilson’s youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuC0eAtn85Fxtn_5_KfobBw to see on-board videos of the action.
There isn’t much downtime for Wilson and his team as he will head to Grand Bend Speedway this weekend, set to do double duty in driving both his OSCAAR Midget, and OSCAAR Pro Midget.
Wilson and team are proud to be supported by The Fyre Place & Patio Shop, HAVE1.COM, and D & M Small Engine Repair this season.
Keep up with Wally Wilson all season long by liking his facebook page athttps://www.facebook.com/Wally-Wilson-Racing-443805665798939/?fref=ts, while following on twitter at https://twitter.com/WallyWilson69.
Press Release by Ashley McCubbin/AM Marketing – ashleymccubbin17@gmail.com
Photo by Morgan-Amber Photography – https://www.facebook.com/MorganAmberPhotography/?fref=ts