March 10, 2025

6 thoughts on “NASCAR’s Limiting of Cup Regulars in Xfinity and Trucks is Paying Off

  1. If the Cup drivers really feel the need to run in the lower series, make them drive for a team that has NO Cup affiliation. First, it could give a struggling team a boost to have a Cup driver in their equipment to help them get better. second, let’s see if they still think it’s fun if they are in a car that has less chance of winning

    1. Thanks for reading salb. Many agree with your line of thought regarding Cup affiliated teams. Keep reading and commenting!

  2. Before I bother wasting my time watching what has become in general pretty boring racing, I look at the entry list to see if there is anybody running that I know the name and can root for. No names, no watch. Even when I do watch, it on dvr so I can fast forward the long green flag runs where one car just runs away until the next caution. Did I mention na$car is boring these days? Without personalities, what else do they have to sell me on?

    1. Thanks for reading Dave. Unique personalities definitely make the sport interesting. Who is your favorite all-time personality?

  3. I watch the lower series races so I can watch the younger or less experienced drivers try to challenge the Cup drivers. If they are just running amongst themselves, I don’t watch. I haven’t watched either of the last two races and looking at the attendance and viewership, many others feel the same way.

    1. Thanks for reading Ken. Many Xfinity and Truck Series drivers echo your sentiments. They like the challenge of racing against the best. The question is, do they really mean it?

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