March 12, 2025

5 thoughts on “After the Coke 600, NASCAR Needs a Rules Shakeup

  1. Hey Ricky, I’ve been a NASCAR Fan since the mid 60’s (Fireball Roberts was my 1st favorite driver) yeah I’m that old…I’m also a 10 year member of the NASCAR Fan Council and have been to over a 100 races at 8 different tracks. (I’ve been living in Charlotte since 93, Cocoa Beach before that, which is a short ride to Daytona) and now that I’m retired I follow NASCAR even closer and sincerely DO CARE about where the Sport is going in the future…
    and to be truthful…down the tubes
    Oh and your article is “spot on” about needing some rules changed…desperately too.
    and even thought you pretty much pointed out all of the facts of the weekends that made for a less than spectacular event…you failed to point out how only 2 guys have won 9 out of the 13 races so far this year and if you include the All-Star race the score is 10 to 4…
    Oh and I got a question for you (I’ve been asking NASCAR thru emails and also during my surveys from the Council with no reply) but could you, please tell me, if this “Statement” makes any sense to you ? I failed inspection 3 times before the event…because my stuff ain’t legal…So what do you do ? (in a sensible World or any other sport or game) you pack your stuff up and go home…come back next Event and try again. and no you don’t just get a fine or lose 10 or 20 points and lose some practice time at the next event…you go the fuc home and lose a ton of points.
    I have heard of this happening at almost every single race this season…and fining crews $10,000 for a single loose lugnut is really petty as hell…what like Brian France is trying to pocket some extra cash before he sells the business ?? and they can keep taking seats away that don’t get filled to make it look like it’s a sell out, but attendance is at an all time low…did you see the stands for the Xfinity Race…lmao…me and my buddy got to the Track about 10 minutes before the start of the race on Saturday (last minute decision) and when we walked up to the main entrance gate on the front straightaway to buy our tickets, the dude just waved us on thru and said ” glad to have your support, I hope you enjoy the Race”…so we found some great seats, as the place was vacant as heel.
    besides all of that, you know something is wrong in the World of Racing when we’ve been to 13 points races and Jimmie Johnson has not lead a lap yet !!! WTF !!!
    …and I know this is off topic, but the Xfinity drivers have been putting on a great show so far this year on their own…and then you had another “Bush Whacking” happen, and of course a Cup driver won…dam sad state of affairs…

  2. I watch several shows early on Sunday afternoon, but when I get ready for my “nap”, I switch to NASCAR. That puts me to sleep faster than anything else.

  3. Yet another awful race. NASCAR seems to think faster is better. NO it’s not. Close racing with lead changes is what the fans , in my opinion, want. Better get some rule changes while there are fans who care to watch.

  4. Hi Brian thanks for your thoughts and glad you enjoyed the article. As far as the inspection thing goes I don’t have a good answer. I will tell you with teams struggling to keep sponsorship that sending someone home is not the good for anyone in the long run IMO. And I think those tolerances are so precise now that it makes for a tricky inspection process.

    What’s the answer? Maybe I’ll try to dive into that and write a column down the road if this kind of thing keeps up. Right now I’m most concerned with the on-track product and fixing it.

    As far as two guys winning most of the races, that honestly doesn’t bother me that badly. If a guy is better than everyone he’s just better. However, when the racing is as poor as it is combined with that fact it makes it a pretty tough pill to swallow. I’m hoping that we’ll get some new rules in place sooner rather than later. If this keeps up this year I just can’t see how it’s going to be good for the sport.

    Thanks again for reading.

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